Atlas Copco ETVS7-30-B10-CTADS

Dresden Germania
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Atlas Copco


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Lagerwerk GmbH, 01189 Dresden, Germany Germania


ID dell'annuncio:
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Ultimo aggiornamento:
il 17.01.2025


ETVS7 30 B10 CTADS, avvitatore elettrico Atlas Copco

Modello: ETVS7-30-B10-CTADS
Condizione: usato

L'annuncio è stato tradotto automaticamente e possono essersi verificati degli errori di traduzione.


Lagerwerk GmbH

Persona di contatto: Sig. Maik Wehner

Heilbronner Str. 22

01189 Dresden, Germania

+49 351 8... mostra

Ultimo online: La settimana scorsa

Registrato da: 2014

996 annunci online

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Die Firma LAGERWERK, mit Sitz in Dresden, ist ein führender Anbieter von gebrauchten hochwertigen Produkten und Anlagen aus dem Industriebereich.

The company LAGERWERK based in Dresden/Germany is a leading provider of high quality used machines and equipment for the industrial sector.
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Heilbronner Straße 22
D - 01189 Dresden

FON +49 351 454 125 33

Vertretungsberechtigte Geschäftsführer:

Maik Wehner, Falk Wehner

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Dresden
Registernummer: HRB 35979
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 309882655
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Belgio Waregem
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1.222 km
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Annuncio economico
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Compressore Atlas Copco ZT30
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Compressore Atlas Copco ZT30
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Regno Unito Misterton
1.627 km
Atlas CopcoZT30
Venditore verificato
Annuncio economico
Compressore a vite ATLAS COPCO GA30FF
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Polonia Wilków
1.098 km
Compressore a vite
Annuncio economico
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Paesi Bassi Heerjansdam
1.264 km
Martello di frantumazione
Atlas CopcoSB 302 Epiroc SB302
Annuncio economico
Compressore Atlas Copco XAHS 306 MD
Compressore Atlas Copco XAHS 306 MD
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Belgio Waregem
1.222 km
Atlas CopcoXAHS 306 MD
Annuncio economico
Generatore di corrente 3 kVA subito da stock Atlas Copco P 3500i AP S5 50Hz 230V
Generatore di corrente 3 kVA subito da stock Atlas Copco P 3500i AP S5 50Hz 230V
Generatore di corrente 3 kVA subito da stock Atlas Copco P 3500i AP S5 50Hz 230V
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Germania Wettenberg
1.018 km
Generatore di corrente 3 kVA subito da stock
Atlas CopcoP 3500i AP S5 50Hz 230V
Venditore verificato
Annuncio economico
Compressore a vite Atlas Copco GA30
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1.181 km
Compressore a vite
Atlas CopcoGA30
Annuncio economico
Compressore Atlas Copco ZT30
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Compressore Atlas Copco ZT30
Compressore Atlas Copco ZT30
Compressore Atlas Copco ZT30
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Regno Unito Misterton
1.627 km
Atlas CopcoZT30
Venditore verificato
Annuncio economico
Compressore a vite Atlas Copco GA30
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Compressore a vite Atlas Copco GA30
Compressore a vite Atlas Copco GA30
Compressore a vite Atlas Copco GA30
Compressore a vite Atlas Copco GA30
Compressore a vite Atlas Copco GA30
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Polonia Wilków
1.098 km
Compressore a vite
Atlas CopcoGA30
Annuncio economico
Compressore Atlas Copco XAVS 307 CD
Compressore Atlas Copco XAVS 307 CD
Compressore Atlas Copco XAVS 307 CD
Compressore Atlas Copco XAVS 307 CD
Compressore Atlas Copco XAVS 307 CD
Compressore Atlas Copco XAVS 307 CD
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Compressore Atlas Copco XAVS 307 CD
Compressore Atlas Copco XAVS 307 CD
Compressore Atlas Copco XAVS 307 CD
Compressore Atlas Copco XAVS 307 CD
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Belgio Waregem
1.222 km
Atlas CopcoXAVS 307 CD
Annuncio economico
Gruppo elettrogeno subito a magazzino Atlas Copco Typ Atlas Copco P 2500i AP S5 50Hz 230V
Gruppo elettrogeno subito a magazzino Atlas Copco Typ Atlas Copco P 2500i AP S5 50Hz 230V
Gruppo elettrogeno subito a magazzino Atlas Copco Typ Atlas Copco P 2500i AP S5 50Hz 230V
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Germania Wettenberg
1.018 km
Gruppo elettrogeno subito a magazzino
Atlas CopcoTyp Atlas Copco P 2500i AP S5 50Hz 230V
Venditore verificato
Annuncio economico
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
Rullo tandem Atlas Copco DYNAPAC CA 1300 D
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Belgio Waregem
1.222 km
Rullo tandem
Atlas CopcoDYNAPAC CA 1300 D